Thursday, October 22, 2009

The tent

The other day we bought an small children's tent for the cats to play in. And they love it! I had a hard time putting it together as all four cats were hanging in all loose ends and climbing all over me and the tent.
It rustles (great, if you're a cat!) and they can run in and out of the tent. Or like Battus here to the right. He likes to sit on the roof to look out for his mates.

And this is Bekka and Truls playing inside the tent.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not a tasteful snack...

We've had a sunny and beautiful Sunday today! All the cats took the chance of playing outdoors, in the sun.

They keep on bringing in earthworms. And Truls even eats them :-( It's so disgusting!!!
But maybe he learned his lesson. He got sick and vomited all night after eating an earthworms. We weren't fast enough to toss it out before he had swallowed it. The next morning I found the leftovers in vomits... Not nice at all!!!
So now he's on a Hill's i/d diet to soothe his stomach.

This is Beverly last week.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh no... more earthworms!

The autumn is here for sure and the cats spend more and more time indoors, in a warm and cosy corner. But a couple of times a day they like to go out in the catyard, unless it's raining like crazy :-). And it does somedays. With the rain comes the earthworms, crawling up onto the wooden deck. Beverly has taught Battus and Truls how to catch them. So now we have three cats bringing in slimy worms into the kitchen... They love it, I don't!

Speaking of worms... The worming went well, I guess. I hope all possible worms or parasites are dead and gone for this time.

Poor Battus is still very thin. I hope he will gain some weight soon. We are feeding him Hill's i/d for sensitive stomachs. So far it seems to work for him.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time for worming

It seems like poor Battus has got worms. And if so, it's no wonder considering all the insects he's had during the summer :-(

So now we've started to worm all the cats and we've cleaned all the litterboxes, spades and everything else that goes with the loo department. I do hope the worming medication is effective and kills the creepy worms. And that our lovely Battus will get better soon.