Saturday, September 27, 2008

Next project: Extending the cat yard

Bekka and Beverly have had great fun today. They've been chasing a hazel nut all over the floor. And they've been watching us building the first step of an extension of their cat yard. And that was really fun :-) We want to give them the opportunity to really enjoy the autumn.
Now they are sleeping, charging their batteries for tonight.
This is Beverly, September 14. Isn't she a beauty!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Speedy Gonsalez

This cute lady was a real Speedy Gonsalez this afternoon. She ran around the house and wrestled with everything and everyone. She even tried to wrestle down the vacuum cleaner as I was cleaning the house :-) I think it was out of pure joy as the sun was shining and it was a rather warm afternoon (about 15 degrees or so). Beverly loves the summer!
This photo is from August 19.

Friday, September 19, 2008

On heat - again

Bekka is on heat again. She is restless and constantly calling out for boys. Poor Beverly has a tough time. But that is life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She's got a tan

This is Beverly, enjoying the September sun. She is still wild and crazy when we play and loves to cuddle in the morning. Beverly weighs 3160 grams. Her fur is lovley and I am sure she would do great in a cat show. Her fur is a bit brownish on the tip of her mouth, tail and paws. Sabina, her breeder says it is a kind of permanent tan. And that makes sense. Beverly loves the sun :-)
This photo is from September 12.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Enjoying the sun

Today we have yet another beatuiful September's day. The sun is shining and, to Bekka och Beverly's amusement, the flies are up in the air again. They've been chasing flies all morning. In between, they seem to enjoy the sun.
This is Bekka a couple of hours ago.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Chasing the sun

Today was a beautiful autumn's day. Bekka and Beverly loved the afternoon sun. Especially Bekka loves to chase the sun. She can go on for ever and ever :-)
On this photo, from this afternoon, she is frustrated because the reflection is too far away for her to catch.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Young ladies taking a nap

Bekka is no longer on heat! It ended yesterday. She is quite tired now, sleeping and eating to catch up. Beverly seems to be very pleased that the heat is over. She's running around and playing like crazy :-)
The young ladies are now 8 months old. Bekka weighs almost 3,6 kilo and Beverly is slowly getting close to 3,2 kilo.
This photo is from May 3.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Still on heat

Although we were disappointed about not entering the show in Eskilstuna as planned, it was a good decision to stay home. To us, the needs and wellbeing of our cats always comes first! Bekka is still on heat and calls out loudly and persistantly for boys. I hope she will calm down soon, she needs some rest now and she needs to eat.
I have joined a cat club for Norwegian Forest Cats. By this I hope to learn more about these marvellous cats. And maybe we will enter a cat show this autumn or winter.
This is beatuiful Beverly, July 4.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

No show this weekend

Bekka is on heat for the first time and is calling all day and night for boys. She is really restless and a pain in the ass for her sister :-)
Due to this we cancelled the show. I don't want to keep Bekka in a small cage for many hours when she is as restless as she is now. I don't think it's fair to her or to Beverly. So we will try the show business another time. Of course I am disapointed. I did look forward to trying the show business, I really did. But we strongly believe that it was the best thing for Bekka to cancel this time. There will be other shows!
This photo of Bekka is from July 14.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Brave Beverly endured the bath

Yesterday it was time for Beverly's bath. She was really brave and endured the procedure like a real lady. She didn't like it at all and she was very pleased when it was all over. The hair dryer didn't work for her either so I dried her with towels and then we cared for her fur together. Bekka waited for us outside. When Beverly and I were done Beverly was very tired and slept for the rest of the day. As you can see on the photo she found it very comfy lying close to her sister.
This morning I was happy to find the both of them playing in the shower like their baths never happened :-) Halleluja for the short memory!